nicholas wright

28 Nicka Notes

In Uncategorized on 10/05/2011 at 9:40 am

28 nicka notes pen and ink on paper 30x30cm.

Money seems to be a major issue in current affairs at the moment, in these works artist Nicholas Wright plays a game with our perceptions of what money is, what it represents, and how much value we perceive in it.

The game of monopoly is a popular game for children most parents play it with their children because it teaches them simple mathematics,But the game of monopoly actively encourages the buying out of every other playerand the taking of what they have. It encourages capitalist ideals, is it really a goodidea to teach children that the best way to be successful is to be greedy?,to create a monopoly? After asking himself these questions the the artist plays another game with your perception of a classic design the monopoly bank note,On closer inspection hes made it his own, its a Nicka note, a play on his own name,and a pun on slang from London. Added to this is the choice of hand drawing the notes,creating a suggestion of forgery, As if the artists wishes to float this currency on the stock market as an alternative to the current a selection of worthless papers, again playing a game with your perceptions of what art means is it art? or is it money?

28 Nicka notes is being exhibited as part of a touring show starting on the 13th of october 2011 at the deda dance centre in derby, and will go on to tour other venues including quad derby in 2012.